Moderation Policy

We welcome public engagement with our articles and social media posts. We also encourage readers to familiarize themselves with our guiding principles before taking the time to interact with our content. 

ALUS Canada’s moderation policy outlines our values and our reasoning for removal or restriction of social media users and their content. We reserve the right to remove, hide or unpublish without notification on our websites or social media pages, when our communication team feels that posts, profiles or comments breach our Moderation and Privacy Guidelines.   

ALUS is innovative, authentic, reputable, productive, engaged, caring and inclusive. Our program is based on 8 Guiding Principles that are at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make. Therefore, any post or comment posted on any of our platforms that does not respect our values, or our guiding principles may be removed, hidden or unpublished     

Moderation and Privacy Guidelines  

Inappropriate comments may be removed, and users may be restricted from ALUS and New Acre Project social media sites. Inappropriate content includes: 

  • offensive language 
  • defamatory, harassing, hateful, discriminatory or threatening remarks against individuals, groups or organizations  
  • comments that are supportive or critical of a political affiliation 
  • comments that invade the privacy of others or impersonate others 
  • content that, in the opinion of the moderator, is not related to the discussion 
  • content posted without the necessary rights, licenses and consents 
  • encouragement of conduct that may or could be considered offensive or criminal 
  • encouragement of conduct that violate any local, provincial, national law 
  • long-embedded URLs 
  • excessive links, indecipherable content or code 
  • identical comments by the same user (spam) 
  • content that is posted for advertising purposes, general or private 
  • comments that reveal personal information about the poster or others 
  • sexual content or links to sexual content