La TD, fière commanditaire de Projet New Acre depuis ses débuts, renforce son impact environnemental 

An additional 100 acres of nature-based solutions for a total of 550 acres over four years in communities across Canada 

Toronto, ON, January 11, 2022 — New Acre™ Project is pleased to announce a third phase of funding and fourth year of support from TD Bank Group (TD), continuing its commitment as the launch sponsor for New Acre Project™.  

Each New Acre of projects delivers numerous benefits for communities, including resilience to flood, drought and extreme heat. The long-term outcomes of these projects will help mitigate the effects of climate change on rural communities, local economies and the environment, and help address nature loss. 

With this additional funding from TD, 100 acres of nature-based projects managed by farmers and ranchers are added for a total of 550 acres in thirteen communities across five provinces and a combined commitment of $420,000 since 2018. Each new funding opportunity allows New Acre Project to accelerate the beneficial environmental impacts that farmers and ranchers are undertaking in their communities. Farmers, ranchers and rural communities are on the frontlines of climate change. Equipping them to manage a changing environment supports local and global goals for adaptation, mitigation and resilience. 

This funding allows New Acre Project to support an additional 100 project acres in ALUS communities in Saskatchewan (ALUS Saskatchewan Assiniboine Project and ALUS WUQWATR) and Ontario (ALUS Elgin; ALUS Lambton; ALUS Norfolk; and ALUS Peterborough). The value generated by farmers and ranchers in these communities who are creating habitat for wildlife and pollinators, improved water quality and watershed health, as well as climate resilience, benefits present and future generations. These environmental stewards are supporting Canada’s efforts to reach global sustainability targets. 

Tima Bansal

A native tree and shrub project being planted at an ALUS Middlesex project site. 

New Acre Project is at the forefront of developing the ecosystem service market, which leverages the value created by these environmental projects to accelerate the adoption of nature-based solutions globally and put a financial value on nature creation. This innovative practice is made possible through the leadership of organizations that we work with like TD. 

“TD continues to be a strong supporter of the work New Acre Project and ALUS are doing to deliver the next generation of conservation that not only provides essential environmental outcomes, but is charting a sustainable path forward for local economies,” said Katherine Balpataky, Senior Director of Corporate Partnerships and Business Development at ALUS, New Acre Project’s parent organization. 

“Using the power of nature to help communities become more resilient against the impacts of climate change is a key component to addressing the growing climate situation,” says Carolyn Scotchmer, Executive Director of the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. “Through the TD Ready Commitment, the Bank’s corporate citizenship platform, we’re committed to working with ALUS and New Acre Project to preserve the nature and wellbeing of communities across Canada while supporting positive social and economic benefits.”


ALUS (originally an acronym for Alternative Land Use Services) is a national charitable organization that provides expertise, resources, and direct financial support to 35 communities across 6 provinces where more than 1,400 farmers and ranchers establish and steward nature-based solutions on their land. These solutions deliver ecosystem services to help sustain agriculture and fight climate change and biodiversity loss for the benefit of communities and future generations. Projects such as enhanced wetlands, windbreaks, riparian buffer zones, wildlife habitats, adaptative agricultural practices and other impactful environmental solutions produce cleaner air, cleaner water, greater biodiversity, carbon sequestration, erosion control, flood and drought mitigation, pollinator and wildlife habitat, and other ecological services. ALUS’ New Acre Project helps purpose-driven corporations go beyond their sustainability objectives and invest in the next-generation of conservation to generate positive impacts in the communities where they operate. Through New Acre Project, corporations are enabling these communities to become more resilient and empowering farmers and ranchers to build nature-based solutions on their land, one acre at a time. Learn more at and

See Our Results


Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals


Supports insects, birds, bats and other creatures

Water Stewardship

Improves the health of watersheds

Climate Change

Sequesters carbon in the soil
Une nouvelle collectivité ALUS s’implante dans Lanaudière

Une nouvelle collectivité ALUS s’implante dans Lanaudière

Joliette, 14 novembre 2024 – ALUS Lanaudière est la dernière collectivité québécoise à joindre le réseau ALUS. La nouvelle collectivité célèbre son inauguration officielle avec une journée de lancement à la ferme Briho-Bel à Saint-Jacques.  Lancée en 2024, la...