TD Bank Group sponsors launch of New Acre™ Project, ALUS Canada’s innovative corporate-sponsorship program.

PRESS RELEASE | Toronto, October 29, 2019

TD Bank Group named as launch sponsor for ALUS Canada’s New Acre™ Project, an innovative corporate sponsorship program that spurs investment in naturalization projects across Canada. 

With a two-year commitment of $220,000 through their corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment, TD will help ALUS roll out the New Acre™ Project, expand its bilingual materials, and raise awareness across the country.

ALUS Canada, A Weston Family Initiative (ALUS) is delighted to announce TD Bank Group (TD) as the launch sponsor of ALUS’ innovative corporate-sponsorship program.

“Nature is one of the most powerful tools we have to help communities become more resilient to the impacts of climate change,” says Nicole Vadori, TD’s Head of Environment. “By using what already exists in nature we can help preserve the health of the environment, while also generating positive social and economic benefits. We’re proud to be the first sponsor of this initiative, as part of our corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment.”

We’re proud to be the first sponsor of ALUS Canada’s New Acre™ Project. By using what already exists in nature we can help preserve the health of the environment, while also generating positive social and economic benefits.” -Nicole Vadori, Head of Environment at TD Bank

With a two-year commitment of $220,000 through their corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment, TD will help ALUS roll out the New Acre™ Project, expand its bilingual materials, and raise awareness across the country.

TD will also contribute to 300 acres of naturalization projects in eight ALUS communities across Canada: ALUS Lac Ste. Anne and ALUS Red Deer County in Alberta; ALUS Saskatchewan Assiniboine Project in Saskatchewan; ALUS Little Saskatchewan River in Manitoba; ALUS Elgin, ALUS Middlesex and ALUS Peterborough in Ontario, and ALUS Montérégie in Quebec.

In this way, TD’s New Acre™ Project sponsorship will help ALUS’ network of farmers and ranchers enhance wetlands, improve riparian buffer zones and expand wildlife habitats to produce cleaner air, cleaner water and more biodiversity in increasingly resilient Canadian communities.

TD Bank Group named as launch sponsor for ALUS Canada’s New Acre™ Project

TD Bank Group named as the launch sponsor of ALUS Canada’s corporate sponsorship program. The New Acre™ Project is an environmental, social and governance (ESG) solution that enables businesses to make a positive impact on the natural environment in a way that speaks to all Canadians.

“We thank TD for their leadership in becoming the New Acre™ Project’s first corporate sponsors,” said ALUS Canada’s CEO, Bryan Gilvesy. “Their investment is a clear recognition of the important environmental benefits ALUS Canada’s farmers and ranchers produce for Canadians.”

“TD’s support will encourage purpose-driven corporations to invest in nature-based solutions that produce cleaner air, cleaner water, biodiversity and climate action,” Gilvesy added.

The New Acre™ Project is an environmental, social and governance (ESG) solution that enables businesses to make a positive impact on the natural environment in a way that speaks to all Canadians. For more information, visit:

TD Bank Group sponsors New Acre™ Project launch, plus 300 acres of nature restoration and enhancement projects in eight ALUS communities, all created and maintained by Canadian farmers and ranchers.


ALUS Canada, A Weston Family Initiative, helps farmers and ranchers produce cleaner air, cleaner water, more biodiversity and other ecosystem services in their communities. ALUS Canada has disbursed nearly $8.1M in funding to 25 ALUS communities in six provinces. Through the New Acre™ Project, ALUS Canada empowers caring Canadian corporations to produce lasting benefits for the communities they serve. For more information, visit


TD has a long-standing commitment to enriching the lives of its customers, colleagues and communities. As part of its corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment, TD is targeting $1 billion towards community giving by 2030 in four areas critical to opening doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow – Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities and Better Health. For further information, visit


Katherine Balpataky, Director of Corporate Partnerships and Business Development, ALUS Canada — C:  519-222-1178  E :[email protected]

Bridget Wayland, Director of Communications, ALUS Canada — C: 514-770-3001  E: [email protected]

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