ALUS News and Events
ALUS & Partners Launch Lake Winnipeg Water Stewardship Project

ALUS & Partners Launch Lake Winnipeg Water Stewardship Project

This project will mitigate water-related risk, build farm resilience and enhance value for stakeholders and communities in the Lake Winnipeg basin.  This photo shows a perennial grass buffer next to the Marsh River in ALUS Seine Rat Roseau. These water-tolerant...

Larry and Rosanne Bingham, ALUS Trailblazers

Larry and Rosanne Bingham, ALUS Trailblazers

A Dream of Wildlife on their Land In 2011, Larry and Rosanne Bingham purchased 160 acres of land with a dream of retiring in a rural setting. Some fifteen kilometres south of Vermilion, Alberta, they found their deal plot of land. The site they chose is dear to them...

Meet Gene and Emily Plihal, ALUS Trailblazers

Meet Gene and Emily Plihal, ALUS Trailblazers

In Northern Sunrise County, Alberta, a father and daughter are working to preserve wildlife habitat. In 2007, Emily Plihal purchased three quarters of land, primarily to preserve habitat for animals and to restore the natural health of the land. Her father, Gene,...

Ian and Serena Donovan, ALUS Trailblazers

Ian and Serena Donovan, ALUS Trailblazers

Ian and Serena Donovan are improving productivity and biodiversity through their work with ALUS In 2019, Ian and Serena enrolled 12 acres of their fourth-generation, 3,000-acre mixed farm into the ALUS Vulcan program.   Largely producing wheat, barley, canola and...