ALUS Vermilion River

Where Agriculture and Nature Meet

The County of Vermilion River (CVR) launched the first ALUS program in Alberta in 2010, at the Cattlemen’s Corral in Lloydminster. 

Since then, the program has supported a number of local producers in establishing and maintaining stewardship projects that benefit residents across CVR.

The ALUS Vermilion River program works with farmers and ranchers to establish and maintain projects such as riparian buffers, fencing exclusion, alternative watering systems, native prairie establishment, pollinator habitat and tree plantations.

These ALUS projects provide cleaner air, cleaner water and more habitat for wildlife and pollinators, while helping to improve the productivity of marginal and ecologically sensitive land.

Community Links

ALUS Vermilion River Coordinator

Chris Elder

Chris Elder

Box 69, 4912 50 Avenue,
Kitscoty, AB
T0B 2P0

[email protected]


Cows and Fish

Lakeland College

Alberta Environment and Parks

Vermilion River Watershed Alliance

Battle River Watershed Alliance

North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance

Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society

Lakeland Industry and Community Association (LICA)

Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA)


PAC Members

Sean McGrath
PAC Chair, Producer

Larry Bingham
PAC Vice-Chair, Producer

Grant Lorenz

Brian Headon

Trevor Poliakiwski

Kelly Sidoryk

Jason Stelmaschuk
CVR Council

Marty Baker
CVR Council

Tonya Lwiwski
Riparian Specialist, Cows and Fish

Jocelan Lundquist
Environmental Advisor, Cenovus Energy

Student Representative
Lakeland College Student Managed Farm

Cathie Erichsen Arychuk
CVR Director of Agriculture and Environment (non-voting advisor)

News & Events

Larry and Rosanne Bingham, ALUS Trailblazers

Larry and Rosanne Bingham, ALUS Trailblazers

A Dream of Wildlife on their Land In 2011, Larry and Rosanne Bingham purchased 160 acres of land with a dream of retiring in a rural setting. Some fifteen kilometres south of Vermilion, Alberta, they found their deal plot of land. The site they chose is dear to them...

Producing The Best Beef in a Better World

Producing The Best Beef in a Better World

Round Rock Ranching was originally homesteaded in 1906 and is currently operated by Sean, his wife Tanya and their three children, in partnership with Sean’s parents, Fred and Anne. The ranch, located in the County of Vermilion River, Alberta, runs a cowherd of around...

Celebrating Ten Years of ALUS Vermilion River

Celebrating Ten Years of ALUS Vermilion River

Congratulations to ALUS Vermilion River on Ten Years of Building Community and Ecosystems in Alberta Celebrating its tenth year, ALUS Vermilion River (ALUS CVR) is a testament to the strengths of the unique model of community development and ecosystem services...

Get in Touch

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