ALUS Chaudière-Appalaches
Where Agriculture and Nature Meet

ALUS Chaudière-Appalaches was introduced in 2022. It is a partnership between ALUS and the Fédération de l’UPA of Chaudière-Appalaches.   

Located on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, the Chaudière-Appalaches region is made up of 10 Regional County Municipalities (RCMs) and 136 local municipalities. Chaudière-Appalaches covers an area of approximately 15,000 square kilometers and is bordered by the regions of Bas-Saint-Laurent, Maine, Estrie and central Québec.   

The area is comprised of the vast agricultural plain of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, and by various rolling hills linked to the Appalachian Mountains. The region boasts a population of nearly 436,000 people, and the agriculture industry is very prominent as well as economically important. The region’s primary agricultural products are maple syrup, dairy, pork and beef.  

Due to its unique landscape, agri-environmental priorities include riparian buffers and shoreline cultivation. Long-term riparian buffer projects and shoreline restoration projects are targeted. ALUS Chaudière-Appalaches intends to contribute to working to achieve locally set objectives promoting the improvement of water quality and shoreline stability. 

ALUS supports various types of ecological projects on agricultural lands in the region to provide more biodiversity and habitat for terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. These projects include wetlands, riparian buffers, windbreaks, ecological buffers, and more. These ecosystem services improve the health and conservation of agricultural soils.   

The Fédération de l’UPA de la Chaudière-Appalaches advocates the values of respect for the individual, in addition to basing its mission on values of solidarity, collective action, social justice, equity and democracy. The UPA’s mission is to promote, defend and develop the professional, economic, social and social interests of agricultural and forestry producers.  


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News & Events

ALUS Montérégie announces $160,000 from FARR

ALUS Montérégie announces $160,000 from FARR

PRESS RELEASE | SAINT-LIBOIRE, AUGUST 27 2019 ALUS Montérégie announces $160,000 in funding from Quebec's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH). ALUS Canada congratulates the Montérégie UPA Federation for receiving $320,000 in provincial funding, including...

ALUS Montérégie annual cheque presentation

ALUS Montérégie annual cheque presentation

PRESS RELEASE | SAINT-HYACINTHE, DECEMBER 11, 2018 ALUS Montérégie thanked 21 participating farmers for their commitment to improving the environment. At ALUS Montérégie’s annual cheque presentation in Saint-Hyacinthe today, 21 participants received their annual...

A step forward for agriculture and the environment in Montérégie

A step forward for agriculture and the environment in Montérégie

PRESS RELEASE | SAINTE-VICTOIRE-DE-SOREL, JULY 12, 2019 ALUS Montérégie expands into the Pierre-de-Saurel RCM The UPA Montérégie Federation and ALUS Canada are proud to announce ALUS Montérégie’s expansion into the regional county municipality (RCM) of...

ALUS Chaudière-Appalaches Coordinator

Bélaïs Nyete-Diebe, M. Sc., MBA

Bélaïs Nyete-Diebe, M. Sc., MBA

Chargée de projet en agroenvironnement

[email protected]

418 386-5588 poste #2026

William Lemelin
President of the ALUS Chaudière-Appalaches Committee and Cattle, Grain, Maple Syrup, Forestry Producer (Ferme BoviOr Lemelin)

Josée Breton
Director General at the Conseil régional de l’environnement Chaudière-Appalaches

Louis Garon
Director of development and inspection for the MRC of Bellechasse

Rémi Gaudreau
General Manager at COPERNIC

Frédéric Labrecque
Pork and grain producer (Ferme FPL Inc.)

Steve Pelletier
Cattle, Grain, Maple Syrup and Forestry Producer (Ferme Steve Pelletier)

Daniel Samson
Pork and grain producer (Ferme Daniel Samson Senc)

Jean-Paul Tardif
Maple Syrup Producer (Érablière du Cap Inc. (L’))

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