New Acre Nature Investments

Acre-based nature solutions to help you meet your sustainability goals

Invest strategically in agri-environmental and land stewardship projects that deliver tangible biodiversity, carbon, water, soil and community benefits.

New AcreTM Nature Investments support landowners, like farmers and ranchers, in creating new acres of nature on their lands to sequester carbon, enhance biodiversity, improve water quality, and strengthen rural economies and communities. 

Katherine Balpataky-

Jill Weaver

Director of Partnerships
ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions

Results you can see and trust

Managed by ALUS’ local community partners and the people who know their land best, projects funded by New AcreTM Nature Investments deliver credible and reliable acre-based outcomes you can trust.

What’s in a New AcreTM ?

As part of ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions, New Acre Nature Investments add new acres of nature to the working landscape. Each new acre produces a variety of ecosystem services and can contain different ecosystem types, like wetlands or forests.

Bee – Colour

Wildlife Habitat

Supports biodiversity and abundance of native and migrating wildlife.



Improve water quality and protect communities from droughts and floods.

Sunrise – Colour


Captured and stored in soil and aboveground vegetation, like trees and shrubs.

Tree – Colour


Provide wildlife and insect habitat, grazing forage for livestock, water management.

Tractor – Colour


Clean the air and water, reduce soil erosion and wind damage, provide food and shelter for wildlife, and create cooling shade.

Farm – Colour


Projects are delivered by local farmers and ranchers on their lands for the benefit of their communities.

Achieve the outcomes that matter to you most



  • Achieve net zero targets while creating landscape-level change.
  • Reduce GHG emissions, like carbon, through a supply shed approach that generates a suite of additional ecosystem benefits like water quality improvements and biodiversity enhancement. 
  • Improve air quality.
  • Regulate air temperature to support human health and well-being.

Land & Soil

  • Help build nature and create vital habitat for wildlife, including pollinators, birds and at-risk and endangered species.
  • Improve soil health by increasing soil life and organic matter.
  • Connect landscapes for the safe migration and movement of wildlife, like badgers and birds.
  • Contribute to building sustainable agricultural systems and food security.


  • Achieve net-positive water replenishment targets.
  • Reduce flood and drought risk.
  • Reduce and slow run-off.
  • Reduce nutrients and other pollutants from entering lakes, rivers and streams.
  • Support healthy aquatic ecosystems.
  • Improve drinking water quality through natural filtration.


  • Strengthen social and cultural support networks and build farmer connectivity to drive environmental action.
  • Support knowledge transfer and peer-to-peer learning among landowners.
  • Create jobs in rural communities.
  • Transform environmental activity into economic activity in rural communities.

Trusted by businesses and organizations across North America

Nature is one of the most powerful tools we have to help communities become more resilient to the impacts of climate change. By using what already exists in nature we can help preserve the health of the environment, while also generating positive social and economic benefits

Nicole Vadori

Vice President, Head of Environment, TD Bank

“At Bruce Power, our environmental and social principles are core to the work we do and the partnerships we form. Investing in community-led, farmer-delivered nature-based projects has already shown tremendous success and we’re looking forward to continued progress and innovation in the years ahead.”

Danielle LaCroix

Senior Director - Environment, Sustainability & Net Zero, Bruce Power

“TC Energy is dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint and making a positive difference in the communities that we serve. New Acre provides an innovative opportunity to invest in building local climate resilience through farmer-delivered environmental projects in the areas where we operate.”

Sharon Tomkins

Vice President, Sustainability & Social Impact, TC Energy

Blueprint to a Better Future

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a unique opportunity for purpose-driven businesses to align their own sustainability agenda with a global blueprint to achieve a better world.

New Acre is a member of the Global Compact Network Canada (GCNC) and was recognized in the GCNC and Government of Canada’s Emerging Practice Guide as a best practice approach for companies that wish to accelerate their contributions to the goals.

SDG 6 – Clean Water
Water Stewardship
Community Resilience
Farming Carbon
SDG Goal 14 – Life Below Water
Water Stewardship
Support Biodiversity

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