Clen and Angelle Van Kleef: True Blue

Clen and Angelle Van Kleef: True Blue

Meet dedicated ALUS Norfolk participants Clen and Angelle Van Kleef ALUS Norfolk participants Clen and Angelle Van Kleef are justifiably proud of their ALUS projects, including a beautiful, 12-acre swath of tallgrass prairie that they’ve been stewarding since 2008....

A New Conversation

P.E.I. ALUS Coordinator Shawn Hill shows ALUS Canada around the Island in the wake of a new partnership announcement. The ALUS Canada team was thrilled to visit Prince Edward Island in September 2018, in the wake of a landmark agreement to help conserve threatened...

P.E.I. ALUS: A New Conversation

P.E.I. ALUS Coordinator Shawn Hill shows ALUS Canada around the Island in the wake of a new partnership announcement. The ALUS Canada team was thrilled to visit Prince Edward Island in September 2018, in the wake of a landmark agreement to help conserve threatened...

Deep Roots in Manitoba

Touring ALUS projects in the Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District offers a peek at the bright future of the ALUS program in Manitoba In July 2018, ALUS Little Saskatchewan River (ALUS LSR) Program Coordinator Colleen Cuvelier hosted a participant networking...