ALUS News and Events

A Season of Growth

ALUS Canada by the Numbers 2019 ALUS Canada has been growing in a carefully managed way for several years now, and this past year was a great example. Some highlights: As of April 1, 2019, ALUS Canada has disbursed nearly $8.1 M in funding to ALUS communities across...

Intact Announces Support for ALUS

Intact Announces Support for ALUS

PRESS RELEASE |  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Montreal, April 25, 2019 – ALUS Canada thanks Intact for nearly $250,000 to fund ALUS projects in three provinces. ALUS Canada is delighted to receive a generous donation of $248,850 in new funding from the Intact Foundation, in...

A Taste of ALUS at Queen’s Park

A Taste of ALUS at Queen’s Park

ALUS Canada and MPP Toby Barrett hosted a special reception at Queen’s Park on March 2019 in support of ALUS in Ontario. A special reception at Queen’s Park on March 19, 2019, brought together approximately 25 Ontario MPPs from all parties, ALUS supporters, partners,...

(VIDEO) Fully Implementing Wetland Policy in Alberta

(VIDEO) Fully Implementing Wetland Policy in Alberta

Speaking at the Edmonton Convention Centre on March 20, 2019, ALUS Canada’s CEO, Bryan Gilvesy, presented creative solutions to wetland restoration at the Rural Municipalities of Alberta’s Spring Convention. Accompanied by Parkland County’s mayor, Rod Shaigec, Gilvesy...