ALUS launches ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions to meet demand for credible agricultural nature-based solutions

The expanded suite of investment solutions responds to increasing demand from public, private and philanthropic sectors for tangible climate and biodiversity solutions that build community resilience and generate measurable results.

Toronto, ON, May 3, 2024 – ALUS announces the launch of ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions, an expanded suite of sponsorship, donation and investment options designed to help meet public, private and philanthropic sector climate and biodiversity objectives through the establishment of agri-environmental projects that deliver real socio-economic and environmental value to people and communities.

ALUS is a charitable organization offering the only turnkey community-based, farmer-led ecosystem services program in Canada and the United States. Currently, the program is delivered in 39 communities where close to 1,800 ALUS farmers and ranchers actively manage over 52,600 acres of agri-environmental projects that provide vital wildlife habitat, sequester and store carbon, improve water quality and quantity and reduce the risk of flood and drought.

ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions builds on nearly a decade of success delivering ALUS’ New Acre™ Project. New Acre Project was founded in 2016 as an innovative way for purpose-driven businesses to collectively invest in acre-based environmental outcomes. To date, ALUS has allocated over six million dollars to agri-environmental projects through New Acre Project. Under ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions, New Acre Project has been rebranded New Acre Nature Investments and remains one of the key investment pathways for investors seeking quantifiable ecosystem service outcomes, like carbon capture.

“Over the last decade, we’ve witnessed growing demand from all sectors—public, private and philanthropic—for solutions that deliver real, credible outcomes for people and the environment, as well as increasing demand to support the advancement of important research and community capacity building to address local environmental challenges,” says Bryan Gilvesy, CEO, ALUS. “ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions offers all investors a reliable pathway to strategically allocate capital to solutions tailored to deliver social, environmental and economic outcomes that benefit the environment, people and communities.”

ALUS Nature & Climate Solutions offers public, private and philanthropic sector actors tailormade sponsorship, donation and investment opportunities that include acre-based agri-environmental projects, like tree and shrub planting and wetland and grassland creation; research and innovation, like ecosystem service quantification; program expansion; and community capacity building in Canada and the United States. To learn more, visit

Media Contacts
Nadine Mercure
Senior Director, Communications
[email protected]

About ALUS

ALUS is a charitable organization that envisions a future where all farmers and ranchers produce ecosystem services from nature-based solutions alongside food and fibre to help solve the crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. Through its turn-key farmer-led, community-delivered program, ALUS supports more than 330 community leaders across 39 ALUS communities in helping nearly 1,800 farmers and ranchers build and actively manage more than 52,600 acres of nature-based projects. These projects, like wetlands, grasslands and tree and shrub plantings, help capture carbon, keep lakes, rivers and streams clean, provide food and shelter for wildlife, and better prepare communities for extreme weather events like flood and drought.

ALUS also helps governments, businesses and philanthropic foundations invest in Nature & Climate Solutions on agricultural land to generate positive environmental, economic and social outcomes in the communities where they operate—one acre at a time.

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