ALUS Announces $60,000 Sponsorship from Alberta Professional Outfitters Society

With its support for ALUS, APOS will contribute to on the ground solutions for enhancing and creating wildlife habitat across the province.


Edmonton, Alberta, March 29, 2021 | ALUS Announces $60,000 Sponsorship from Alberta Professional Outfitters Society to enhance wildlife in Alberta.

ALUS is pleased to announce a $60,000 sponsorship from the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society (APOS) with the mutual aim of ensuring the future of Alberta’s unique wildlife and the habitat required to support it.

“ALUS is pleased to have the support of the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society,” said ALUS CEO Bryan Gilvesy. “Both organizations recognize the vital role that farmers and ranchers play in the stewardship of Alberta’s wildlife.”

Deer and habitat.

ALUS projects in Alberta, such as the one pictured here, support critical habitat for many species in Alberta, including deer and other wildlife

Across Alberta, ALUS is comprised of 15 communities, over 300 participants and nearly 4,000 acres of projects that contribute to cleaner water, cleaner air and more wildlife habitat. The habitat fostered by ALUS participants is critical for many of Alberta’s most beloved species.

ALUS and its supporters understand the complex and intersecting roles that species from insects to ungulates play in a harmonious and healthy environment. By stewarding the natural world, we can foster and enhance the presence and persistence of these amazing species.

“For over a decade, members of the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society (APOS) have contributed fees to our Wildlife Management Fund (WMF) to help support conservation and stewardship efforts in Alberta. We are pleased to announce our new partnership with ALUS,” said Corey Jarvis, President, APOS.

Corey Jarvis

Corey Jarvis, President, APOS.

Since 2008, APOS’ WMF has contributed over $1.8 million to wildlife stewardship and conservation in Alberta. Funded through annual fees paid by professional outfitters, the WMF has contributed to a wide variety of initiatives including population surveys, emerging technologies and species research.

“With support from our WMF, rural landowners gain additional resources to dedicate to projects designed to help steward our province’s natural resources through the maintenance and enhancement of wildlife habitats,” said Jarvis.

The ALUS program moves beyond conservation to production. By putting the land to work, ALUS participants create valuable ecosystems such as wetlands, native prairie and reforestation. Each of these types of habitat is critical to sustaining the complex web of wildlife in Alberta.


About APOS

Established in 1997, APOS is a delegated administrative organization (DAO) for the Government of Alberta. APOS’ delegated responsibilities include licensing the province’s guides and professional outfitters, managing the distribution of guided hunting allocations, and holding members accountable to a Code of Ethics.


About ALUS

ALUS is a national program helping farmers and ranchers produce cleaner air, cleaner water, more biodiversity and other ecosystem services in their communities. ALUS Canada has disbursed more than $12M in funding to 31 ALUS communities, an investment that is multiplied by farmers, ranchers and communities on the ground. There are now more than 30,000 acres enrolled in the ALUS program, thanks to more than 1,000 participants in six provinces. For more information, visit

For more information about and ALUS, contact: Todd Westcott, Communications Associate, [email protected]


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