ALUS Communities
ALUS Elgin

ALUS Elgin

ALUS planted its roots in Elgin County in 2012, beginning with a pilot project in Bayham Township. In January of 2016, ALUS Bayham expanded to include the Townships of Malahide, Central Elgin, Southwold, Dutton-Dunwich and West Elgin. ALUS Elgin partners with each...

ALUS Saskatchewan Assiniboine Project (ASAP)

ALUS Saskatchewan Assiniboine Project (ASAP)

The ALUS Saskatchewan Assiniboine Project (ASAP) was created in 2015. In its very first year of operation, ASAP signed up eight producers representing a total of 285 acres, and established a waiting list for potential future projects. As it expands, ASAP aims to...



The ALUS WUQWATR program is an exciting and meaningful initiative that works with farmers and ranchers in the Wascana and Upper Qu’Appelle watersheds to help enhance the benefits of nature on the working landscape in Saskatchewan.  ALUS expanded into the community in...

ALUS Prince Edward Island

ALUS Prince Edward Island

For over a decade, ALUS has helped Prince Edward Island’s farmers produce ecosystem services for the community.  Originally implemented in 2008, the P.E.I. ALUS program is co-managed by the P.E.I. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and the P.E.I. Department of...