ALUS Middlesex
Where Agriculture and Nature Meet
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The ALUS Middlesex program, established in 2017 in close partnership with ALUS Canada, plays a vital role in addressing environmental challenges in Southwestern Ontario’s Middlesex County. This region, characterized by its predominantly agricultural landscape, encompasses diverse cropping systems in field, horticulture, and livestock farming. Additionally, Middlesex County interfaces with urban areas around London and Strathroy. The program’s focus on environmental stewardship extends to protecting the unique biodiversity found within the Carolinian Zone, an ecologically significant area known for its rich and diverse plant and animal species. Many of these species, such as bobolink, moltted duskywing, estern meadowlark, and eastern foxsnake, are considered “Species at Risk,” meaning they are at risk of extinction or have populations that are declining in the wild. By prioritizing the conservation of these vulnerable species and their habitats, ALUS Middlesex aims to safeguard the delicate ecological balance within the Carolinian Zone.One of the primary objectives of the ALUS Middlesex program is to tackle environmental issues impacting water quality in the Great Lakes. The county’s location in both the Lake Huron and Lake Erie watersheds, along with the local Thames River being identified as a priority watershed for Great Lakes health, makes this initiative all the more crucial. By encouraging landowners to adopt alternative management practices on their marginal lands, ALUS aims to create habitat connections, effectively filter water before it enters sensitive wetlands, and enhance wildlife habitats across these ecologically significant Canadian watersheds.Moreover, the program emphasizes the restoration of tallgrass prairie ecosystems, the improvement of buffer areas, the management of wetlands, and the implementation of other projects that provide essential ecosystem services. These services include flood mitigation, carbon sequestration, and the creation of pollinator-friendly environments, which are vital to the survival and well-being of native pollinator species within the Carolinian Zone.Through active participation in ALUS projects, the landowners in Middlesex County contribute to the production of cleaner water, cleaner air, and enhanced biodiversity, including vital pollinator habitats. These positive environmental impacts benefit not only the participants themselves but also extend to the wider surrounding communities and the delicate ecosystems of the Carolinian Zone.By working collaboratively with local landowners and addressing specific local needs and priorities, the ALUS Middlesex program exemplifies the power of community-driven conservation efforts. By prioritizing the preservation of the Carolinian Zone’s biodiversity and promoting sustainable land management practices, the program serves as a valuable model for protecting and preserving the natural resources and ecosystems of Southwestern Ontario.

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News & Events

ALUS Middlesex Fosters Critical Ecosystems

ALUS Middlesex Fosters Critical Ecosystems

Wildlife Habitat Canada Continues to Support ALUS Middlesex’s Drive to Create New Wetlands and Restore Upland Habitat with Generous $40,000 GrantWetland restoration work underway on a farm near Ailsa Craig, ON. This wetland was completed in partnership with Ausable...

Growing the Environment and Minds

Growing the Environment and Minds

Farmers share experiences of environmental stewardship, noting positive impact on mental and emotional well-being  Every year in the first week of May, Canadians celebrate, protect and promote mental health within their communities as part of the Canadian Mental...

Phil Moddle Plants Trees for People and the Environment

Phil Moddle Plants Trees for People and the Environment

ALUS Middlesex participant Phil Moddle incorporates conventional farming, agritourism and environmental stewardship into Arrowwood Farm and Events  Phil Moddle with a white pine seedling on his farm in Middlesex County, Ontario. The sapling is a part of an ALUS tree...

ALUS Middlesex Staff

Elise Gabrielli

Elise Gabrielli

8449 Irish Drive, RR1
Mount Brydges, ON N0L 1W0
[email protected]

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

Kettle Creek Conservation Authority

London Environmental Network

Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

Middlesex Federation of Agriculture

St.Clair Region Conservation Authority

Tartan Image Designs

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

Steve Bradish

Tom Heeman
Vice President

Matt Langford

Tracey Foster

Scott Foster

Mary Simpson

Rob Hathaway

Laura Hathaway

Fred Cahill

Ryan McLean

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