ALUS Sturgeon

Where Agriculture and Nature Meet

Launched in the summer of 2021, ALUS Sturgeon has undertaken a broad initiative to provide a variety of ecosystem project types to the community of Sturgeon County, Alberta. 

Located North of Edmonton, in the North Saskatchewan River watershed, Sturgeon County serves more than 20,000 residents and covers an area of 2,100 square kilometers, which includes 35 townships, 185 kilometres of secondary roads and 1,776 kilometres of local roads. Located north of the City of St. Albert, Sturgeon County is a vibrant municipality made up of farmland, industrial lands and residential acreage developments.

ALUS Sturgeon will undertake a variety of projects to improve ecosystems throughout the county. Projects can include: establishing native Tallgrass prairie, enhancing or reconstructing wetlands and riparian buffer areas, tree planting, or native shrubs and flowers that help retain topsoil and boost wildlife and pollinators.

In every ALUS community, ALUS staff works closely with landowners to develop and support projects that are best suited to local needs and priorities. The ALUS Sturgeon Program Coordinator will work with farmers and ranchers to help establish these projects, while participants receive annual, per-acre payments for the management and maintenance of these projects on their land.

Through their ALUS projects, ALUS Sturgeon participants will help to produce cleaner water, cleaner air and more biodiversity, including pollinator habitat, for the benefit of everyone in the community.


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ALUS Sturgeon Coordinator

Christine Downing B.Sc., P.Geo., PMP

Christine Downing B.Sc., P.Geo., PMP

9613 100 St
Morinville, AB
T8R 1L9
[email protected]

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