It’s in their Nature
ALUS participants are natural stewards of the environment
Farmers and ranchers who participate in the ALUS program utilize their land to deliver more than just agricultural products. On the frontlines of the climate and biodiversity crises, ALUS participants use their land to generate habitat, biodiversity and sequester carbon. The projects produce incredible benefits, driving additional outcomes for water quality, drought and flood resilience, pollinators and many more ecological goods.
Growing Happiness & Biodiversity by the Acre
Marcus & Sarah Riedner
ALUS Mountain View County
On their mixed farming operation in Mountain View County, Alberta, the Riedners have worked with ALUS to improve soil quality eco-buffers and shelterbelts, with great outcomes for carbon sequestration.
Image credit: Noel West.
Image credit: Noel West.
Growing Happiness & Biodiversity by the Acre
Marcus & Sarah Riedner
ALUS Mountain View County
On their mixed farming operation in Mountain View County, Alberta, the Riedners have worked with ALUS to improve soil quality eco-buffers and shelterbelts, with great outcomes for carbon sequestration.
How to Make Your Farm Work Better
Chris and Vivian Crump
ALUS Middlesex
When the Crumps began to raise cattle on their farm in Ilderton, Ontario, it was a mucky mess. After a lot of hard work, and with support from ALUS and other partners, they’ve created a vibrant landscape that holds and controls the flow of water on their land.
Image credit: Huff Media.
Image credit: Huff Media.
How to Make Your Farm Work Better
Chris and Vivian Crump
ALUS Middlesex
When the Crumps began to raise cattle on their farm in Ilderton, Ontario, it was a mucky mess. After a lot of hard work, and with support from ALUS and other partners, they’ve created a vibrant landscape that holds and controls the flow of water on their land.
Considerable Dexterity
Evelyn and Mike Lafortune
ALUS Prince Edward Island
On their organic beef farm in Prince Edward Island, Mike and Evelyn has worked with the ALUS program to protect the headwaters of Crooked Creek through the installation of livestock fencing and alternative watering systems.
Considerable Dexterity
Evelyn and Mike Lafortune
ALUS Prince Edward Island
On their organic beef farm in Prince Edward Island, Mike and Evelyn has worked with the ALUS program to protect the headwaters of Crooked Creek through the installation of livestock fencing and alternative watering systems.
Where Agriculture and Nature Meet
These are just a few of the many participants ALUS works with. They are a part of a movement of landowners across the country and around the world implementing strategies and practices that serve both the human and natural world. Explore the ALUS website to see how we’re creating a healthier, more resilient environment.
ALUS by the Numbers
2021 Snapshot of ALUS’ On the Ground Impact
Active provinces
ALUS communities +4 since last year
Farmers and ranchers participating +244 since last year
Acres of wetland ecosystems +4,331 since last year
Acres of pollinator habitat +4,417 since last year
Acres reforested with native trees and shrubs +874 since last year
Acres of ALUS land +5,354 since last year
Invested by ALUS +$2.3M since last year
Thanks a million to farmers, ranchers and communities multiplying our investment on the ground
ALUS Community Projects
Iowa farmer helps launch the first ALUS community in the United States to bring diversity—and people—back to the land
Iowan Seth Watkins has a dream to bring biodiversity back to Southwest Iowa and build a brighter, more vibrant rural community. ALUS is one of the ways he wants to achieve it.Seth Watkins has been trying to make his farm smaller. He’s reduced his Iowa acreage from...
Ron Toonders, Switchgrass for Grassroots Resilience
Farmers like Ron Toonders are building resilient practices that benefit nature and the agricultural landscape in Ontario This photo depicts the root system of switchgrass, Panicum virgatum. (Grown at The Land Institute in Salina, Kansas) In the hot summer months,...
Currie McIntosh; Happily Creating Habitat at Haywood Farms
The McIntosh family is promoting biodiversity through their environmental projects on their farm in Ontario Currie McIntosh stands in front of the stormwater retention pond project he constructed with ALUS in 2020. In the fall of 2023, farmers and ranchers visited...