ALUS and General Mills expand community-led regenerative agriculture partnership after successful pilot.A Growing Roots participant shows the density of root structures at their project site. Dense root systems support soil health, water retention and can benefit...
Restoring Winding Rivers: Dale and JoAnne Sigurdson on Repairing the Riparian
Along the Qu'Appelle River northwest of Regina, the Sigurdsons have introduced an exclusion fencing project and restored riparian buffer with ALUS. ALUS team members visit the Sigurdsons’ project near Lumsden, SK during the October 2022 Prairie Jamboree. The water...
The ALUS Before and After Photo Contest Showcases Nature-Based Solutions!
ALUS coordinators showcase nature-based solutions at different points in a project’s lifecycle. In 2021, ALUS introduced the Before and After Photo Contest with the aim of encouraging ALUS communities to demonstrate the magnitude of their ecosystem projects....
Learning from Communities Growing the ALUS Impact
ALUS team members met for collaborative engagement and learning at regional 2022 jamborees.In September and October 2022, ALUS organized three conferences, allowing our team members across the country to get together, tour project sites and discuss our shared...