PEI ALUS participants Dunk River Farms


The Schurmans are PEI ALUS participants who own and operate a 5th generation potato farm in Central Bedeque.

Dunk River Farms Ltd. is a family-owned and operated 5th generation potato farm, located in Central Bedeque, Prince Edward Island.

The farm is operated by Kevin, Paul, David and Elaine Schurman, who demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental stewardship through the implementation of soil conservation practices such as grassed waterways, terraces and farmable berms.

Other ALUS projects include grassed headlands, expanded buffer zones and the retirement of steeply sloped fields.

Potatoes are rotated with cereals and forages on a three year crop rotation.

Promoting Species at Risk in Agriculture

Promoting Species at Risk in Agriculture

ALUS, the Fédération de l'UPA de la Montérégie and the Fédération de l’UPA Outaouais-Laurentide jointly launch valuable online resources to support conservation of species at risk on agricultural lands in Quebec.   Image of a Bobolink. Allowing native grasses to grow...