Steward of the Land: Brian Headon, ALUS Vermilion River

“As a producer, you do a lot of things for your land knowing you are just the caretaker for a period of time. There’s a sense of pride in doing the best you can with the tools that you have.”

So says Brian Headon, an ALUS Vermilion River participant and PAC member in a video from ALUS’ “Stewards of the Land” series, explaining the environmentally friendly changes ALUS has supported on his land.

On Hedge Haven Farms, a 1200-acre ranch located between Kitscoty and Lloydminster, Alberta, Headon has implemented ALUS wetland restoration, shelterbelt establishment and riparian fencing projects.

ALUS also helped Headon convert a former drainage ditch into an ephemeral wetland.

Now, he says, “the ducks and the wildlife get the spring waterbody, and we still have access to it: In the winter we can place cattle on that ground.”

What does Headon appreciate about ALUS?

“Farmers have some of the skills needed to complete an ALUS project, but we also understand that environmental systems are typically very complex, and we want to be sure of the proper way to go about it,” he says.

Click here to watch Headon’s “Stewards of the Land” video on our YouTube channel.

Farmer Engagement Drives Success of Regenerative Agriculture Pilot

Farmer Engagement Drives Success of Regenerative Agriculture Pilot

ALUS and General Mills expand community-led regenerative agriculture partnership after successful pilot.A Growing Roots participant shows the density of root structures at their project site. Dense root systems support soil health, water retention and can benefit...