ALUS Communities
ALUS Grey-Bruce

ALUS Grey-Bruce

Grey and Bruce Counties have embraced the ALUS program and its principles, with very positive results for both agriculture producers and the community at large. The ALUS program was originally introduced to Grey and Bruce Counties as a pilot project in 2012. Since...

ALUS Lambton

ALUS Lambton

The ALUS Lambton program started up in 2015, in a partnership with Ontario Nativescape, a division of the Rural Lambton Stewardship Network. This not-for-profit organization is focused on promoting native Prairie, a special mixture of perennial native plants providing...

ALUS Ontario East

ALUS Ontario East

Calling all farmers! Join the Agri-Action Land Stewardship Twilight Tour August 23, 2024ALUS Ontario East is hosting a free Agri-Action Lunch & Learn event in Long Sault on March 27 to bring together local famers interested in agricultural stewardship practices...

ALUS Norfolk

ALUS Norfolk

Norfolk County has the oldest continuously running ALUS program in Canada. Piloted in 2007, ALUS Norfolk has evolved into a permanent, county-wide program.  With over 190 farm families already engaged and more than 1,600 acres enrolled in the program, ALUS-Norfolk is...